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Uncovering the Heart Wrenching Tale of 'The Song of Achilles'


Updated: May 10, 2023

This review will contain spoiler and spoiler free content that I will warn about. So all you readers that are interested can put your worries away as I won't be jump-scare you with anything that will ruin the entire book.

This analysis will have my thoughts, opinions, and overview of this book and if at any point I feel like there could be potential spoilers, I'll hide it in an expandable list and give a spoiler warning. Enjoy!


Brief Summary

The Song of Achilles is a historical fiction novel that follows two main characters throughout the whole story. The two characters names are Achilles and Patroclus. They're both sons of kings, except that Patroclus is seen as an embarrassment and is banished from his kingdom (which you'll find out why lol) and is sent to where Achilles lives so he can "smarten up". Without spoiling anything, they both become very close with one-another and end up training and getting stronger together as they eventually will be sent off to go fight in war.

If you want this completely spoiler free, than that summary is all you need to know about the book. However, if you want to know the subgenre of the novel and who it will involve, I will put it in an expandable list below.



My Thoughts and Opinions

I'm gonna be honest, I really didn't think I was gonna like this book. I've never read historical fiction (besides in like, elementary school) and only picked this up because my friend picked it out and told me to read it. I knew nothing about it besides the genre and the title of it and I was SO pleasantly surprised.

I do wanna say that I was sort of bored the first quarter of the book as I didn't really know who the characters were and who they were referring to because I knew nothing about Greek Mythology. If I did know or was at least interested in Greek Mythology, I think I would have been hooked from the very start. I did a little research on it and looked up pictures and descriptions of the characters mentioned and that's when I started to get more invested.

Besides that first quarter, I was in-love with the book. The progression and development in the characters, the story, the descriptions of the scenes; it was all beautifully done. When I first started reading it, in my head I was giving it 3 stars, but after finishing and after STILL thinking about it a month later; I legit give it 6/5 stars. I recommend this book to everyone, even if you know nothing about historical fiction or mythology of any sorts because I didn't either and now I'm obsessed with it.


Don't read any further if you don't want any spoilers.


My Spoiler Heavy Rant



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